The Legacy of Dwight Moody

Evangelism, discipleship, integrity of character, centrality of the family, and for culture to change the church must be transformed – such was the legacy of Dwight Lyman Moody, born February 5, 1837.  Moody describes his childhood: “Before I was four years old the first thing I remember was the death of my father… Soon after…

The Battle of Princeton

On January 3, 1777, the battle of Princeton took place that helped turn the tide of the Revolution.  However, setting the stage for this battle, early in the morning December 25, 1776, Washington secretly crossed the Delaware River to conduct a surprise attack on Trenton, New Jersey.  The painting by Emanuel Leutze depicting Washington Crossing…

The Providential Discovery of Gold

Noah Webster defined the word Providence to mean “foresight; timely care… foresight accompanied with the procurement of what is necessary for future use… the care and superintendence which God exercises over his creatures.”  One key word in this definition is “timely”.  In other words, God times events for His purposes, and California is such an…