Preserving Unity: 1624-2024 (Mini-Conference)
Friday, August 2, 2024
Bus Tour with DPV luxury coach transportation begins at 8 AM and ends at 3:45 PM. Tour guides will include Dr. Paul Jehle, Bill Potter, John Eidsmoe, Jerry Newcombe, David Bradford, and Aaron Bradford commenting, as well as Mary Huffman and Bob McNeill leading psalms from the Ainsworth Psalter!
Highlights of our stops are as follows:
8:00 AM – Bus departs from The New Testament Church in South Plymouth (1120 Long Pond Road, Plymouth).
8:30 AM – Barnstable Stone Monument: Originally known as Sacrament Rock, or Pulpit Rock, it marks the spot where the Barnstable congregation held their first church service. This church, originally led by Henry Jacobs, was discipled by Pastor John Robinson of the Pilgrims. John Lothrop, Jacob’s successor, led a group to America in 1634, and founded this “twin Pilgrim church” in 1639.
9:15 AM – Mashpee Indian Meetinghouse: Thomas Tupper and Richard Bourne brought the gospel to the Wampanoag people in 1637. The Old Indian Meetinghouse was erected in 1684 and was relocated to its present location in 1700. The Wampanoag church of Mashpee was organized in 1658 and recognized officially with Bourne as its pastor in 1670. It is the longest continually used Native Meetinghouse in America.
10:45 AM – West Barnstable Meetinghouse: Pastors Thomas Walley and Jonathan Russell, Sr. continued the legacy of the Barnstable church above. By 1685, over 1,000 natives were converted to Christ. A new Meetinghouse was completed by 1719 and it still stands today. Two of its most famous disciples from Jonathan Russell, Jr., who succeeded his father, were James Otis and his sister Mercy, whose leadership as an orator and writer at the time of the Revolution was critical to America’s independence.
12:30 PM – Lunch at Aptuxet: Each person is to prepare a lunch of some kind and bring it with you on the bus.
1:00 PM – Aptuxet Trading Post, Bourne: This 12-acre campus right on the banks of the Cape Cod Canal contains a 1627 replica of the Pilgrim Trading Post. We will highlight Pilgrim economic trade with the Wampanoag and Dutch, the saltwork replica whose importance is chronicled in the year 1624, and the historic link to President Grover Cleveland as well.
2:15 PM – Sacrifice Rock in Bourne: Here at a large boulder, now split into several pieces, is the site of an amazing miracle in 1646 that contributed greatly to how the Natives of what is now the village of Bournedale came to Christ!
3:00 PM – Herring Pond Tribe Headquarters: We will visit with, and hear from, today’s leaders of the Herring Pond Wampanoag at their headquarters, which is a Meetinghouse established shortly after a revival of their youth in 1850. It is the direct legacy that started the New Testament Church (known then as the Cedarville Community Bible Church) in 1901.
3:45 PM – Tour ends at TNT Church.
6:00 PM – Watch the Pilgrim Progress re-enactment of the Pilgrims going to Church in historic downtown Plymouth!
New Hope Chapel – 89 Court Street, Plymouth, MA
Doors open at 7:00 PM
7:30 PM – “Those Stubborn, Dogmatic Pilgrims: Peacemakers?” – John Eidsmoe
Saturday, August 3, 2024
9:00 AM – Tour of the Plymouth Waterfront Monuments (Meet at the William Bradford Monument)
10:15 AM – Tour of the Forefathers Monument (72 Allerton Street, Plymouth)
12:00 PM – 135th Anniversary Celebration of the National Monument to the Forefathers
– Keynote address by David Bradford, 13th-generation descendant of William Bradford and lifetime member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, Delaware
– Patriotic music
– Costumed Pilgrims
– Public servants and others