Since 1970, Plymouth Rock Foundation has taught the true story of the Pilgrims as well as future generations of patriots and pioneers who forged the ingredients of a society that honors religious and civil liberty drawn from the Bible. Plymouth Rock has become the leading organization promoting this story through the publication & sale of books and materials, by conducting speaking engagements & conferences and by conducting historic tours. Its presence in Plymouth has helped to remind all Americans that it was the faith in God, Christ and the Bible that brought the Pilgrims from England and Holland to the new world.
Who are we?
How can you help us accomplish our Mission?
Plymouth Rock Foundation exists and operates solely based on the generous donations of it supporters.
The 400th anniversary of the Pilgrim landing, settlement and thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. Plymouth Rock Foundation’s 50-year legacy has been teaching about the Pilgrims’ true history, the reasons they came and their impact on the region and our nation – and that puts Plymouth Rock in a unique position to make a huge impact.
Your contribution will help us meet our financial obligations and build our resources as we continue in planning and implementing a full calendar of events for 2020-2021 and beyond.